Thursday, May 31, 2007

Berenn the Ranger

Berenn, one of the Dragonlance characters. The name is stolen from Tolkien and the background is inspired by Lauffray.

Green Finger

This was a sketch I did for a task at Herophonia. If you want to see the end result check there.
Sketch preparatório para uma tarefa do Herophonia. Va lá caso queira saber como ficou.

Amorphis Down

Amorphis took quite a beating at another Dragonlance shot. Things are nasty over there.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thurin's Rage

Thurin doing what he does best. Another Dragonlance sketch.

Rooftops from hell

Another Dragonlance adventure shot.

Sketchbook Online

Well, I'm finally starting this blog. This will work as my online sketchbook where I will post sketches and finished stuff. I'm doing this because It's easier to update this than my website.
I'm a brazilian artist and I work with comics, storyboards, illustration and graphic design. Wanna know more? Hit my portfolio link on the side bar.
So, enough with the text and on with the images. This one is from our group of RPG characters from Dragonlance. I played a little with greys but my time run off, so it's unfinished.
Até que enfim estou começando esse blog. Postarei aqui sketchs e desenhos finalizados e quaisquer outras artes que surgirem. Eu fiz essa porra pq é mais fácil atualizar esse blog do que o meu site, e atmbém para mostra um pouco do processo e dos desenhos que acabam não passando na seleção final para o site.
Chega de papo e vamos para as imagens. Essa primeira é do grupo de personagens de RPG do Dragonlance. Brinquei um pouco com tons de cinza, mas fiquei sem tempo de terminar.